Found herself pregnant for a married woman of course is a happiness that can not be exchanged for anything. Would imagine pregnant, give birth and nurture a new man perceived as a new experience. Feeling complete being a woman will no doubt also be felt. And, pregnancy symptoms can be a breath of fresh air for the first lady.
What woman does not want to get pregnant from her love seed and legitimate partner? Expectations of the two great families of the presence of the baby will be one of encouragement for you and your partner to have a baby soon. So, when confirmed pregnant by a physician, happiness will soon spread to many parties.
Enjoy slowly enlarged abdomen with various health complaints such as nausea, dizziness and so on will color your early days when the status of the pregnant woman. This is a fun new experience for a woman who may not be able to understand and feel the women apart.
Although he does not directly feel the sensation, your partner will surely be happy. He would be a man who suddenly attention. A pregnancy is really giving a new experience, both for women and men.
So far, early pregnancy symptom is well known by the public is the nausea in the morning with a regular scale. If a woman is experiencing the initial allegation that was brought up was definitely pregnant. Sometimes, the assumption is also used as a joke.
After the nausea in the morning, the next thing that is often associated with pregnancy are reduced appetite, become sensitive to some scents and others. You find really positive pregnancy will be successful and make your family happy.
Common symptoms of pregnancy such as more likely when you do not also go get your period. Calculation of menstruation or menstrual period can help you determine whether you are pregnant or certainty is not. If still not sure, before going to the doctor, using a pregnancy test tool is also quite accurate. If the tool is the result positive pregnancy test, visit a gynecologist to ask for more detail you can do later.
Typically, pregnant women do not realize that she is pregnant. Because, the characteristics of pregnancy is sometimes not so prominent in every woman. Sometimes, there are also different. So, not all of morning sickness can be called pregnant. As a result, they will look surprised to learn that the pregnancy has reached the age of a few weeks.
Especially if the distance between the marriage with pregnancy do not differ much. That is, the content of the woman is in good condition to be fertilized, so pretty all the marital relationship, the right sperm to fertilize the egg. This sort of thing often will lead to slanted issues in the community.
But really, what kind of characteristics or symptoms of pregnancy? The information below is important to note and hopefully could help better understand that you are actually pregnant.
1. Crave
This term must have been quite familiar with anyone. Cravings or cravings may be an early indication that indicates that you are pregnant. Proved to be a natural reaction cravings experienced by the pregnant woman's body.
Cravings are experienced by pregnant women can be divided into two. Physical and psychological cravings. Physical cravings tend to be more easily followed. For example, like to eat sweet things. While the psychological cravings that demand is a sometimes bizarre cravings. For example, want to eat meatballs subscriptions, would not otherwise subscribed meatballs, and other cravings-cravings.
2. Nausea and Vomiting in the Morning or Morning Sickness
These symptoms are also a common symptom experienced by all pregnant women. They will feel the nausea without any apparent reason. Nausea is usually perceived morning. This desire nausea occurs early in pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting is the one who is usually the driving factor of a pregnant woman experiencing cravings.
3. Fatigue
If you often feel tired and sleep patterns can change so you are pregnant. Of course if followed by other signs of pregnancy. Because, this occurs due to hormonal changes in your self. Do not worry, because the age of the womb grows larger, it will gradually disappear.
4. Body Temperature Rises
Feel your body becomes warmer than usual after the marital relationship with a partner? It could be a reaction of the body says that is happening fertilization. Calculate up to date before your period, if the temperature remains high, chances are you are pregnant.
5. There Spotting Blood
As a woman who was familiar with the correct body condition, you definitely know where menstrual blood and what is not. If you find a little brownish colored blood spots while your menstrual period is still quite far away, immediately check using a pregnancy test. Because, who knows you'll be a mother.
To distinguish, as information, which is generally a sign of blood coming fresh red menstrual period. While blood spots as early pregnancy symptom is typically brownish red, or recognized by the term mole.
6. Frequent urination
What if you turned beser? Difference would be felt by you as the owner of the body. Urine that you spend too usually quite turbid and has a viscosity that is also pretty. The desire to urinate is due to fertilization is done. HCG hormone is the cause.
7. Breast and Nipple Pain Be More Sensitive
Breast pain may often experienced by women every month. Because these reactions also came a month one time when she will face her menstrual phase. Apparently, breast pain also occurs when you are pregnant. Or rather in the early days of pregnancy. Perceived pain caused by hormonal changes.
Breasts will feel full, tight and solid. Just when you are in the PMS. In addition, the nipples will also feel more itchy and enlarged. Again the cause is hormonal changes that occur in the body. Do not worry, because this change is quite commonplace.
8. Darker areolas Being
What is the areola? The areola is the dark area around the nipples. Areola on each woman generally brown, but there are also pink. Note, if you change your areolas become darker or not? In addition, there are some minor swelling or not? If the answer to these questions is yes, it could be that you are pregnant.
9. Constipation
Constipation or difficult bowel movements are also often experienced by women in early pregnancy. Improper food intake due to morning sickness can be one cause. This is further exacerbated by hormonal changes that force the bowel to not work properly. Thus, work intestines to digest food with more normal, uninterrupted.
10. Contraction Uterus
What's it like? You must also confused. Rahim is located approximately in the lower abdomen. If you feel pain like cramps in the abdomen, that is to say, you're contracting uterus. Contractions of the uterus as pregnancy symptoms can appear when you perform some activities, such as sports, many moves even having sex.
11. Not Menstruation
Subsequent pregnancy symptom is not menstruate. Yes, iyalah. If menstruation means no fertilization happens. It was pointless to calculate the date of menstruation, in order to find out if you are in a fertile period or not.
So? Already understand anything just an early sign of pregnancy?
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