Quite often, a woman realized her pregnancy after more than three months of pregnancy. Yet this knowledge is very important. Not only for the mother but also for the fetus. The more knowledge of women will sign in early pregnancy, the more positive for the health of the mother and fetus.
If it is true positive pregnant, pregnant women will be more careful in keeping yourself and behaviors, so as not to endanger the safety of the fetus. Keep in mind, the fetus in the early days of pregnancy are very susceptible to miscarriage. This is because, the fetus is not strongly attached to the uterus.
Health and normal fetal growth and healthy is also determined in the early days of pregnancy. Therefore, the mother must take the necessary nutritional intake for fetal growth. Intake is required, such as vitamins, iron, folic acid, calcium, and others.
Early Signs of Pregnancy
Early sign of pregnancy is often the same as the sign of menstruation. There are various signs of early pregnancy is not always true for every woman.
Women physically and psychologically able to recognize their own signs of pregnancy through the changes in her body. Knowing early pregnancy had little effect on the quality of the pregnancy process that will be undertaken.
Errors in the treatment of early pregnancy can be avoided and restrictions that must be followed to comply prior to the detrimental effect on the fetus.
Physical Signs Pregnancy
· Amenorrhea
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual term used to come every month. Primary amenorrhea is a sign of pregnancy. If your period is late at least one day of the schedule of regular menstruation, a woman's self-examination can proceed with the test pack.
But amenorrhea does not always mean pregnancy. Some causes of amenorrhea is hormonal problems, fatigue, pain, addition or extreme weight loss, consumption of certain drugs or due to psychological problems.
· Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea or vomiting that often times want to happen in the morning. Most women (about 50%) is very sensitive to an increase in the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) in the body produced by the fetal placenta. This is what causes the reaction nausea and vomiting. But nausea and vomiting can also be caused by food poisoning, gastrointestinal infections, stress, and certain diseases.
· Changes In Breast
Changes that occur in the breast, such as when sam will get your period. Early pregnancy can be characterized by swelling of the breast, nipple softening, and tingling.
Breasts and nipples will be sore, because of swelling. No wonder, if your breasts will feel heavy and painful to the touch. Sometimes also, the breasts feel full and be more severe. Changes in the breast due to the increase Estron and progesterone hormones.
In the first two weeks after conception, your breasts will begin to grow and change. Changes that occur are beginning preparations for meproduksi breast milk (ASI).
· Frequent Urination
Frequent urination (increased frequency of urination) is increased frequency of urination. This could happen, because when the uterus starts growing, the uterus position right behind the bladder and the bladder are often pressed. But an increase in the frequency of urination can also be caused by the consumption of drugs, diabetes, and stress.
· Spots or Blood Spots
Blood spots usually appear before the menstrual period to come. In general, blood spots will appear, between 8-10 days after ovulation. Ovulation (fertile period) was a period in the menstrual cycle to indicate that egg ready to be fertilized.
Spots often accompanies the process of implantation, the process of attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. But the spots that could happen is also the beginning of the process of menstruation.
· Changes in Circulatory
Circulatory changes in early pregnancy began to be felt, especially in the legs. The blood vessels will be increasingly stressed as the content is growing.
This pressure will slow the blood circulation in the feet, either when sitting or standing. Activity sitting or standing for too long, making the blood circulation is not smooth.
Impaired blood circulation, would lead to fatigue in the legs. Tired legs usually characterized by swelling, especially in the ankle and foot telapan. In addition, blood vessels on the surface of the foot can be inflated. Surface conditions such foot are called varicose veins.
· Changes in Skin
A number of changes were observed in the skin can begin early in pregnancy. Change the color to be darker in some parts of the body. This change is caused by the increase of certain hormones that increase the skin pigment. Not only change the color, but also pregnant women often experience a stroke that extends in the center of the abdomen. Starting from the pubic area up to the navel.
Pregnant women skin tends to be oilier. Excess oil on the skin can sometimes make a lot of overgrown facial acne. Moreover, usually itchy, red blotches on the hands, face, and chest.
In a change on the skin, is also called the "mask of pregnancy". "Mask of pregnancy" is a reddish color (brown) on the under eyes and upper nose. In addition, because the gathering of fat in the abdomen and waist increased, will appear stretch marks on the skin.
Psychological signs
· Food Craving
Food craving or commonly known as cravings. Cravings are the body's reaction to fight the psychological discomfort caused by pregnancy hormones increase.
Most of the women experienced cravings when they already know they are pregnant and think of it as a privilege that must be followed. But cravings can also be caused, because the diet is too strict. That way, when the curbing of the food is removed, there is an excessive desire to consume food.
· Mood Swing
Mood swings (emotional swings) is the increase of pregnancy hormones that cause discomfort to the body. Moreover, it also causes changes in mood or emotion in pregnant women.
Emotional changes can be in the form of easy to be angry, sad, irritable or too excited too excessive. Emotional changes also be signs of impending menstruation.
· Focus On Ourselves
In early pregnancy pregnant thoughts usually center focused only on himself, not the fetus. Pregnant women feel that the fetus is an integral part of him.
No wonder, if the pregnant mother is starting willing to stop tuntutn social routines. It aims, in order to enjoy the free time to work carefree. In addition tu, pregnant women are also able to spend more time sleeping than when working.
· Ambivalent
Ambivalent conflict can be defined as the simultaneous feelings, such as love and hate. Love and hate towards someone, something, or circumstances. Every pregnant woman has little flavor in the awa ambivalent in her pregnancy.
Ambivalent response is a form of normal individuals, when entering a new role. Some pregnant women feel, the pregnancy was coming too fast and he was not ready to get through it. This feeling is definitely there, although previously had planned to get pregnant.
Women who are planning a pregnancy is often thought, he takes a long time to accept the presence of the fetus. This is because, the woman was worried about the pregnancy, his responsibilities grew. The woman concerned, could not be a better parent to his future.
If you do not get your period and there is at least one possible sign of early pregnancy, pregnancy test immediately proceed with more specific. Enjoy your pregnancy.
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