Facial treatments have been considered tricky. Many women are willing to spend a lot of money to do a facial treatment at a leading beauty clinics. Actually, it's easy facials. The key is knowledge and patience.
Facial treatments also can do yourself at home. In addition to skin care from the inside, such as eating fruits and vegetables, drink enough mineral water, as well as taking vitamins, skin care from outside had to be done on a regular basis. The initial step to begin facial treatments is knowing your skin type.
Face Care - Identifying Skin Types
Before doing facial treatment, you should first know the types of skin. There are four types of skin commonly found in women, ie dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, and sensitive skin. Your skin type is determined by how much or how little skin to produce oil, and every skin type has a different way of facial treatments. Genetics, stress levels, the influence of drugs, and even cosmetics that you wear can affect oil production in your skin. Therefore, care should be based on the type of facial skin.
There are ways to test your skin type. Wet your face, gently pat dry, then glue and press waxed paper or tissue paper at some point in your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick to absorb the oil and become transparent. If the paper does not stick or absorb the oil, then your skin type including dry skin. If the paper sticks to the T area (forehead, nose, and chin) then your skin including normal or combination skin types. Approximately 70% of women have combination skin. Here's a description of the types of facial skin and its characteristics:
- Oily skin types tend to have a shiny face with large pores and blackheads and acne prone there.
- Normal-combination skin type has medium pores with soft skin texture, circulation and skin color is good, and tends to dry on the cheeks but oily in the T region
- Sensitive skin types usually thin skin with small pores. Sensitive skin easily turns reddish when exposed to sunlight and prone to allergies and rashes.
- Dry skin usually feels tight on his face, especially after cleansing. The owner of this skin type tends wrinkles, cracked, and dull due to the buildup of dead skin cells.
Facial Care Measures
After knowing the type of facial skin, facial treatments you can start by selecting the appropriate product for your skin. Facial care products usually are individualized on the basis of skin types. Armed with the appropriate skin care products, you should know the steps facials., As follows.
Step 1: Cleaning
You have to find a cleanser that suits your skin, in the sense of cleaning and do not cause problems on the skin. If you are matched with a particular product, continue to use these products in skin care. Avoid bar soap because soap to clean the face of this type can lead to dry skin. Soap should only be used to cleanse the body from the neck down. So that the maximum facials, select the cream cleanser if you have dry skin or oil-free cleanser if you have oily skin types.
Note that you do not clean your face too often. Facial treatment at night are mandatory. Clean your face every night before bed. It's better if you use warm water to open pores which can then attract dirt and dust to the outside so that facial treatments more effective. If you're used to using makeup, use a special facial cleanser makeup first before you clean your face with soap.
In the morning, wash your face with warm water. This means a great facial treatment to eliminate the remnants of the oil that comes from a night moisturizer. Never wash your face with hot water because the capillaries in the skin can be damaged. Avoid excessive facial treatments because oil reserves will erode naturally on the skin of your face.
Step 2: The removal of dead skin cells
Remove dead skin cells is a must do in skin care. However, women often skip steps facials on this one. At least, do removal of dead skin cells once a week. If you do it regularly, you will notice that this step gives a big difference on your face. Facial skin usually looks younger men than women because men have unknowingly done lifting dead skin cells every time they shave.
There are several ways to facial treatments remove dead skin cells, ie microdermabrasion, exfoliation kimiwai, and retinoids. Scrubs work by removing the top layer of skin containing dead skin cells that cause your skin to look dull. Routine use in the treatment of facial scrub once a week can make your face is always radiant. Be careful in choosing a cleanser that contains scrub. Granular scrubs that are too large can irritate the skin.
If you have more funds, facials in this step you should try is a chemical peel. Many products of this category that you can choose. This skin care product is usually combined into a kind of mask that can be exfoliated after dry. Retinoids also worked to erode the top layer of skin containing dead skin cells as well as regenerate collagen pda leather lining. Collagen is a kind of fiber in the skin. With age, collagen becomes brittle that cause lines and wrinkles and large pores.
Well, if after step facial care through the removal of dead skin cells you must use a toner? Most use it, and some do not. Toner function removes the remnants of oil, makeup and dirt. However, it is actually a good cleaning can already do this. If you feel comfortable using a skin toner, please continue. If not anything, the toner can be removed.
Step 3: Moisturize
Many women skip this one facial treatment, especially if they have oily skin. Whatever your skin type, facial moisturizer requires. Even if you have oily skin, a moisturizer will make your skin better. Why? Moisturizers lock in moisture in your skin. How much do you have to use a moisturizer? Depending on your skin. If the skin feels tight it requires a lot of skin moisturizer.
Be careful not to overuse pelempab in skin care because it can clog the pores of the skin. What about the eye cream? The facial care need? Beauty experts recommend using eye cream for the skin around the eyes do not have fatty tissue so thin and vulnerable to wrinkles. Eye creams are formulated to "thicken" and moisten the area.
Step 4: Using Sunscreen
Beauty experts say that sunscreen is an essential element in skin care. Cause of the signs of premature aging is sun exposure. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to use sunscreen for face care, either indoors or outdoors, either when the weather is cloudy or sunny weather.
Effective way around this is to buy two types of humidifiers. One moisturizer for night and one for daytime moisturizer (which also contain sunscreen). Do not use solar screened moisturizer at night because sunscreen formula is not to be used for 24 hours so that it can damage the skin.
Well, whatever your skin type, skin care and the right products to ensure the beauty of the skin. Good luck!
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