Chocolate is believed to reduce stress. Almost all people love it, men and women, from children to the elderly.
Even pregnant women were not a few who like to eat chocolate during pregnancy, with a reason to make them more relaxed and reduce their stress.
Yet according to research, chocolate contains caffeine which is not good for pregnant women and can adversely affect the fetus later. Actually allowed or not pregnant women eat chocolate?
According to recent research conducted, apparently eating chocolate during pregnancy may have a positive effect. Apparently chocolate is best eaten especially for the first trimester of pregnancy.
Of research conducted by Dr. Elizabeth W. Triche of Yale University, New Haven United States, obtained information that 40% of pregnant women who consume five or more in a chocolate bar on a weekly basis, are less likely to develop pre-eclampsia.
From this research, useful chocolate for pregnant women to prevent the risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) which is very dangerous in pregnant women.
Pre eclampsia is a condition in which the mother's blood pressure soared during pregnancy, it is common in pregnant women with gestational age above 20 weeks. This condition can cause fetal death or birth defects.
Why chocolate can prevent pre-eclampsia in pregnant women? Because after investigation, the dark chocolate (Dark Chocolate) contains a substance called theobromine that can improve blood circulation and accelerate blood circulation in the placenta by blocking chemicals that can trigger stress.
Besides the consumption of dark chocolate may also reduce chest pain, prevent hypertension because it contains magnesium, stimulates the heart and relaxes the muscles, and it is very influential to the psychic condition of pregnant women.
In addition, the dark chocolate also contains many other nutrients such as calcium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E as well as a variety of flavanols, where such substances are needed by pregnant women, as long as not consumed in excess.
But the thing to remember is the kind of chocolate that's good for pregnant women is a kind of dark chocolate (Dark Chocolate) instead of chocolate milk (Milk Chocolate).
At dark chocolate contains more nutrients, antioxidants, multivitamins, and multimineral.
While the types of chocolate, including chocolate milk unhealthy and not recommended weeks to pregnant women, because they contain too much sugar and also less than the theobromine content contained in dark chocolate.
In some cases, consuming chocolate milk during pregnancy can lead to constipation and baby moving in the womb.
What about the caffeine content found in chocolate? The latest results showed that the caffeine content of chocolate tends to be very little, only about 5-30 mg. While on coffee, caffeine tekandung reach 90-135 mg.
In addition, the effect of theobromine is much larger than the effects of caffeine. Once again, this only applies to dark chocolate, not milk chocolate.
However, despite the claimed good for pregnant women, it is better to not consume excessive chocolate. However, food intake for pregnant women should be balanced, and everything excessive was definitely not good for health.
The ideal amount to consume dark chocolate this is one bar after lunch or dinner. This is equivalent to one cup of tea brewed for two minutes, in terms of health benefits.
Even pregnant women were not a few who like to eat chocolate during pregnancy, with a reason to make them more relaxed and reduce their stress.
Yet according to research, chocolate contains caffeine which is not good for pregnant women and can adversely affect the fetus later. Actually allowed or not pregnant women eat chocolate?
According to recent research conducted, apparently eating chocolate during pregnancy may have a positive effect. Apparently chocolate is best eaten especially for the first trimester of pregnancy.
Of research conducted by Dr. Elizabeth W. Triche of Yale University, New Haven United States, obtained information that 40% of pregnant women who consume five or more in a chocolate bar on a weekly basis, are less likely to develop pre-eclampsia.
From this research, useful chocolate for pregnant women to prevent the risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) which is very dangerous in pregnant women.
Pre eclampsia is a condition in which the mother's blood pressure soared during pregnancy, it is common in pregnant women with gestational age above 20 weeks. This condition can cause fetal death or birth defects.
Why chocolate can prevent pre-eclampsia in pregnant women? Because after investigation, the dark chocolate (Dark Chocolate) contains a substance called theobromine that can improve blood circulation and accelerate blood circulation in the placenta by blocking chemicals that can trigger stress.
Besides the consumption of dark chocolate may also reduce chest pain, prevent hypertension because it contains magnesium, stimulates the heart and relaxes the muscles, and it is very influential to the psychic condition of pregnant women.
In addition, the dark chocolate also contains many other nutrients such as calcium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E as well as a variety of flavanols, where such substances are needed by pregnant women, as long as not consumed in excess.
But the thing to remember is the kind of chocolate that's good for pregnant women is a kind of dark chocolate (Dark Chocolate) instead of chocolate milk (Milk Chocolate).
At dark chocolate contains more nutrients, antioxidants, multivitamins, and multimineral.
While the types of chocolate, including chocolate milk unhealthy and not recommended weeks to pregnant women, because they contain too much sugar and also less than the theobromine content contained in dark chocolate.
In some cases, consuming chocolate milk during pregnancy can lead to constipation and baby moving in the womb.
What about the caffeine content found in chocolate? The latest results showed that the caffeine content of chocolate tends to be very little, only about 5-30 mg. While on coffee, caffeine tekandung reach 90-135 mg.
In addition, the effect of theobromine is much larger than the effects of caffeine. Once again, this only applies to dark chocolate, not milk chocolate.
However, despite the claimed good for pregnant women, it is better to not consume excessive chocolate. However, food intake for pregnant women should be balanced, and everything excessive was definitely not good for health.
The ideal amount to consume dark chocolate this is one bar after lunch or dinner. This is equivalent to one cup of tea brewed for two minutes, in terms of health benefits.