Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fertile Period Pregnancy

Functions determine the fertile period

Pregnancy can occur when the egg cell in the womb are fertilized by sperm. If this process can be run successfully, then the egg will become the fetus continues to grow into a baby. But the egg can not be fertilized at any time by sperm. Only in the fertile period of pregnancy the uterus alone release an egg that has been cooked and ready to be fertilized.

At the moment this is the right time to have sex with her husband if you want to get a baby. Therefore, in order to conceive and give birth soon and cradling a baby, the couple, especially for the woman needs to know when he entered the fertile period. This is the importance of calculating the fertile period for every married woman.

In addition, by knowing the fertile period of pregnancy, for couples who want to delay or do not want any more children (as previously already had descendants and is not willing to add more children) can avoid having sexual intercourse at the time. If they want a quickie can use contraceptives. The goal is of course to avoid pregnancy.

Techniques and How to Know the Fertile Period Pregnancy

To determine the fertile period of pregnancy can use several ways:

1. Calculation system uses calendar

This method is most suitable to be applied to women who have regular menstrual cycles. Fertile period usually occurs two weeks after the last menstrual got. As for women irregular menstruation period, can pay attention to the cycle for six months. Then the longest cycle minus eleven. As for the shortest cycle minus eight. For example, the cycle length is 32 days, minus 11 to 21. Then the shortest was 27 days, minus 8 to 19. So the woman's fertile period is between 19 to 21 days since the last menstrual period.

2. Perform tests in phlegm

How to perform a pregnancy test fertile period with this method is to take the mucus from the vagina outside, then look and feel carefully. If it feels slippery slime, elastic or springy and clean color, then it's a sign at the entrance when a woman is fertile. When pregnancy is wanted, then immediately do the relationship of body weight to the process of fertilization can occur.

3. Check body temperature

Checks should be made when the body just woke up and have not done any work. So it is still in a position istrirahat, body temperature was measured using a thermometer. When the body temperature increases between 0.5 to 1.6 then this is a sign of fertility when women experience pregnancy.

Before performing this test must dilkukan same test a few days earlier. The point is to do a comparison. And to be more accurate, the application of this method should be done in a healthy body condition. Because when you are sick, it could be the body temperature rise is not due to enter the fertile period, but because of fever or other reasons.

4. Using ovulation test equipment

Tool to detect the fertile period of a woman's pregnancy works by measuring the time of ovulation. How to use also the same as using a pregnancy test, which put urine or urine. So it can be used alone in the house.
Knowing the Fertile Period Pregnancy Engineering

Title: Fertile Period Pregnancy; Written by Anonymous; Rating: 5 dari 5

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