Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tips on Healthy Skinny

Many people choose lean body for cosmetic reasons. Has a thin body is considered the dream of every woman. But what if the thin body is not healthy? Is remain a dream?

Many methods that women slim body. From finding Skinny Tips from magazines, exchanging information with a friend, to the ways the body does not really like making hungry or diets that torture the body by consuming dangerous drugs.

Instant Diet

In ways that made these women often causes damage to their own bodies. For example:

1. Bulimia

How this is done to maintain the same weight without having to eat less. How that is done is regurgitate food bulimics who have their consumption. There are thrusting his finger into the throat and forced him regurgitate their stomach contents. Signs of bulimia are skinny people who do not look fresh. They withered face and look like a sick person.

2. Diet drug

How this is done to restrain appetite. Usually before a meal, the woman who adopts a diet with this drug will take pills that make them satisfied so while eating later, they take very little food and did not feel hungry at all.

3. Medical

Some are going to the doctor for an injection skinny. These injections contain high doses of vitamin C. However, prior to injection of vitamin C you should consult with your doctor again if it fits or not.

4. Alternative

By going to an acupuncturist, full-blooded stomach, and drinking herbal concoctions, women who undergo this diet controlled diet, and there are also food substitute the therapist suggested.
Instant Diet weakness

All four of the above have their own weaknesses, because these methods are instant ways. As for having a thin body but a healthy, takes time and perseverance to live.

With bulimia, she does look thin, but not shine because of the nutrients into the body is forced out. While the use of diet drugs is also dangerous because it consumes too much medication can cause side effects on our body organs, such as kidneys and liver.

Inject high doses of vitamin C was shown to rapidly lose weight. But the side effects will be felt next 10 years. The most rapid effect is felt in the stomach disorder. Patients should avoid mag this way.

Alternative ways such as acupressure or acupuncture does not sound safe for chemical drugs. But once we stop doing it this way, your body will soon stretched back.

Tips on Healthy Skinny

So how do our bodies get skinny and healthy? The following tips can slim you live.

1. Sports.

Denganolah start light exercise such as walking in the morning / afternoon. If you would like aerobics, doing gymnastics studio. Aerobics are done together will be fun. Swimming with friends can also be an alternative.

2. Diet.

Morning drink fruit juice without sugar and eat rice during the day as usual, before dinner at 7 pm with a half portion of lunch, and if you feel hungry after this time may snacking fruit or vegetables.

3. Positive thoughts. 

Positive thinking gives peace of heart and mind. So, can control the mind and the desire to continue eating and snacking. Positive thoughts will divert the desire to spend on food.

4. Grateful for all we have.

The term grass is greener grass should be replaced with at home is better than grass. It should be noted that the last thin body is not healthy guarantee if we do not do the right diet. Many skinny tips to be had in a variety of media.

But if we want that instant, the result will not be good. So, it's better than home safely, right? Everything is done instantly also not good for your health. The body also requires adjustments to your diet that instant.

Skinny tips with Partial Meal Replacement

Partial meal replacement is skinny tips by replacing one to two meals with meal replacement available from instant product on the market. Generally, meal replacement is low in calories. There is a meal replacement that contains only 160 kcal. Meal replacement is also enriched with vitamins or minerals as well as protein containing about 7 g (14% of the nutritional adequacy rate).

Research conducted by Heymsfield, et. al. (2003) compared a group of overweight people who follow the program partial meal replacement (PMR) versus conventional Reduced-calorie diet (CRD). The results show that the PMR group can lose weight within three months ebesar 7-8%, while the CDR group around 3-7%. Concluded that PMR is a safe and effective way to lose weight significantly.

Meanwhile, another study conducted by Herber, et. al. (1994) concluded that PMR can reduce weight by 10% and the results will be good for people with hypertension and diabetes.

PMR excess availability in the market is making it easier for obese people to get it at an affordable price. Those who go on a diet with lots of PMR does not require the help of professionals or experts to be with him. How to use a simple and complete nutritional information already exists in the low-calorie instant products.

We need to realize that weight loss is a process that takes time. Typically, the fat in the body's adipose tissue has been going on for years. It's been happening since we apply the wrong diet. Calories that enter the body excess, but only a few are issued. Therefore, a diet in any way requires patience.

A balanced diet is to cut energy intake of about 500 kcal per day. Meanwhile, the intake of other nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, is still maintained as recommended in sufficient nutrition. So, if our energy needs is a daily average of 2,150 kcal, while on a diet, should only consume 1,650 kcal. With a diet like that, it is estimated one can lose weight by 0.5 kg per week.

Skinny Tips to Modify Behavior

Tips skinny or proper diet should be coupled with behavior modification. Basically, behavior modification is an attempt to discipline yourself to avoid tida balanced eating habits. Behavior modification requires that food is only available in limited areas with moderation. Excessive supply of food, let alone a ready to eat, will menggoga overweight to overeat.

Habit of snacking while watching television should also be reduced. Generally, a snack snack often consumed in excess by the time we meonton television. Activities including watching television mild activity must always be balanced with other physical activity that are more energy out. Therefore, we recommend, we do exercise three times a week, each for 50-60 minutes.

By being aware of the health risks that will arise in people with obesity such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Nutrition message that reads maintain your ideal body weight or maintain ideal body weight) can be achieved. It can be done by eating foods in a balanced, diverse, and not excessive, as well as exercising regularly and measured.

Overcoming obesity is not an easy thing to do. However, by applying partial meal replacement, along with behavior modification, weight loss will be achieved in accordance with the targets set.

Overweight or obesity is a reflection of an imbalance of energy intake and expenditure. One reason is the excessive indulgence eating, especially foods high in calories being offset by enough physical activity. It resulted in a surplus of energy is only stored as body fat. Other causes include metabolic disturbances in the body that can cause hiperfagia or excessive appetite.

Excess consumption of energy is not the only cause of obesity, genetic factors also play an important role in the emergence of obesity seseroang. If both parents are obese, the risk of obesity in their children reach 80%. However, if only one parent is obese, the chances of their children becoming obese is 40%.

Fat values ​​to be different in the old days and the present. In the past, fat can be regarded as a symbol of prosperity that can enhance one's prestige. Currently, the perception has changed. Obesity is the epitome breeding germs and a scourge that must be avoided.

Title: Tips on Healthy Skinny; Written by Anonymous; Rating: 5 dari 5

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