Monday, August 12, 2013

Quick Ways Natural Eyelash lengthening

One of the most important elements that can make the face look so attractive that the eye including fur. Therefore blessed woman who had long eyelashes, beautiful and tapering. But for a short lashes and less good should not be discouraged because there are methods and how to quickly lengthen eyelashes naturally and do not need to use hazardous materials such as chemicals and so on.
With food

One quick way to lengthen eyelashes natural way is through the intake of foods that contain nutrients. As it is known, is no different from other body parts or organs eyelashes also need nutrition, vitamins or nutrients. Its main goal is to allow the growth of the eyelashes can be run properly and perfectly.

One type of vitamin that can make eyelashes grow well and long may its size is vitamin B. in order to get sufficient intake of vitamin B, multiply eat vegetables and fruits or other foods that have a content of beta carotene and sulfuric acid. For example, carrots, avocados, nuts. Besides shellfish or seafood are foods that can make eyelashes grow prolifically.

Not only vitamin B, vitamin E also other that can make eyelashes grow long and tapering. Therefore rajinlah this vitamin. If you need to buy special supplements that high vitamin content. However, if the supply would rather get vitamin E naturally, foods that have high content of vitamin E, among others, vegetables or green-colored leaves.

Nuts and sunflower seeds is one of the examples of foods that have a high vitamin E content. Two of these materials can be used to make snacks or snacks. Enjoy a snack or light meal of beans and sunflower seeds on the sidelines of employment or other opportunities. Adequate intake of vitamin E can make eyelashes become healthier and look beautiful or tapering.

Using Moisturizer

Currently in beauty shops and even a mini market has a lot to offer eyelash with good quality. But before buying the same type should be selected with eyelashes. This election almost the same way as using a shampoo wash hair. Not only that, there are some people who are sensitive when using certain products eyelash moisturizer. So this should receive attention.

Good eyelash moisturizer that has vitamin E and olive oil. This blend of two natural ingredients have been shown to have properties that are very effective to make eyelashes grow long and tapering. The presence of vitamin E and Olive Oil can be searched keterannya on the packaging or cardboard packaging.

Using Comb or Brush

Combed eyelashes with a special comb also can make eyelashes grow properly and regularly. But this sweeping should be done regularly every day, especially afternoons and mornings. Eyelashes are always neat and tidy and not cluttered able to make towards the growth of eyelashes so well organized and not squeezed together.

Besides brush comb can also be used. Be great if brushing is done simultaneously with the granting moisturizer or oil. This activity can be done at night when going to bed. If done regularly every day, brushing to stimulate follicle growth.

The meaning of the follicle is a line that looks like a bag and have a protective function shoots or seedlings hair and fur. It is located in the dermis or inner skin layer. So if the follicle can grow well, then it can also do eyelash growth process perfectly.

Perform Cutting

Cut eyelash trim or often referred to could also encourage the hair to grow thicker and longer than the size of the feathers before the cut is made. But the cuts should be made with caution. Cuts should only be done on the edges so that eyelashes do not become bald.

Also use a small, sharp scissors. Do not use scissors sabab this size could cause injury or wound. Shears can also make potongang results are uneven and look less good. These cuts must be made in the light and should be done during the day. Although the use of these light bulbs but still less than perfect.

And that should not be forgotten that use glass or mirror direction of eyelash pieces can be seen clearly. Not only that, cutting eyelashes without the use of mirrors can also pose other hazards on the tip of the scissors on the eye itself.

Traditional way

How to quickly lengthen eyelashes that can be applied easily is using traditional methods. The first technique is to use materials from the aloe vera plant and stem nut. How to select the stem nut size is still small and then cleaned by wipe only. Do not wash because the water can get into the stem cells of betel and this makes the properties to be reduced.

Betel plant stems are then dipped or entered into the aloe leaf which had previously been cut or split. So the betel leaf stems will be mixed with the gel contained in the leaves. Furthermore betel plant stem is used to smear the eyelashes. If done faithfully day in the morning and evening, eyelashes will thrive.

're Both wearing way tea leaves are condensed. This condensation can be achieved by placing the tea leaves on the roof of the house all night long. Try to keep this condensed tea leaves are not exposed to moisture such as rain water and so on. So when put on the roof, hands should be in a dry and clean condition, must not be wet.

Once condensed, take this in the morning can also dry cotton or tissue paper. Then the cotton or tissue paper used to suck or take liquid moisture attached to the tea leaves. Furthermore wipes and cotton wool soaked with dew could be applied to the eyelashes. If done every day can be healthy eyelashes and thrives well manicured.

Things to Look For

Order all the way quickly lengthen eyelashes chosen can work well, there are two things to note. First, if you're putting on makeup, including eye gunakakan tool clean condition. Dirty tools can make the process of eyelash growth so distracted and less than the maximum results. Not only that, if the dirty makeup tools to make the lashes prone to hair loss.

Second, lashes should be cleaned regularly, though not necessary every day. This cleaning can be done with baby shampoo. Shampoo for adults typically uses chemicals that can make the lashes so easily damaged or fall off. Besides baby shampoo can also make more beautiful eyelashes and tapering even help the process of growth.

Title: Quick Ways Natural Eyelash lengthening; Written by Anonymous; Rating: 5 dari 5

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